Sunday, November 7, 2010

Great Dramas - Cat On A Hot Tin Roof (1958)

Paul Newman and Elizabeth Taylor

Superb film. Liz is sensational in this Tennessee William's adaptation. And she gives a great performance, one of her best. Easily could have won an Oscar for it. Liz is Maggie the cat and she's married to Paul Newman, who have come home to celebrate his dad's birthday. He's called Big Daddy, (what I used to call my granddaddy) wonderfully played by Burl Ives. When a southern family like this get together, all kinds of drama starts to unfold. This is the type of film where you just sit back and watch the fireworks go off, because it's an actors showcase. One of my favorite films of all time. Sitting right there in my top 10.  Great support from Jack Carson and Judith Anderson.
Paul Newman & Elizabeth Taylor

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