Monday, August 23, 2010

New mix by St. Shredrr, "SHREDRR CHEESE". I'm in the library right now and literally im bouncin.  I can't help it. LISTEN NOW----->>>>>>

If that didn't blow your mind, then I don't know what will. Well, ok. Maybe this will enhance your life:

Gaga for I-D mag, lookin flipped as ever. DesignScene.


New favorite etsy shop: Cupcaity.  She crochets these things called "beardlings".  I've never seen anything like this before, it's probably the most clever thing I've come across in a bit. I kind of need one for fall, so I can look like a freak on my excursions to Colonial Williamsburg and Monticello.


The fall '10 couture shows. Yes, it's very late, but I think as long as I talk about them before September fashion week, you'll forgive me. So here are my tops picks for Chanel.

look at those bangles. and the menswear-inspired tailoring that's oh-so-chic. I CAN'T DEAL

more soons! happy happy monday monday!

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